AWL Conference Sydney Satellite Event


The 2022 Australian Women Lawyers Conference will be held on Saturday, 6 August 2022 from 9.00am to 5.00pm at UTS, Ultimo campus. Whilst the in-person event is in Brisbane, this will provide an opportunity for NSW members to meet and network and attend the AWL Conference. The Women Lawyers Association of NSW has organised an event that will provide an opportunity for people to attend the conference remotely together.

Some key speakers from the program include:

  • The Honourable Chief Justice Susan Kiefel AC
  • The Honourable Chief Justice Bowskill, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Queensland
  • The Honourable Former Chief Justice Diana Bryant AO QC
  • President Fleur Kingham, Land Court of Queensland, and the President of the Australian Association of Women Judges
  • Jane Caro, Walkley award-winning author, social commentator, and broadcaster
  • Professor Megan Davis, UNSW Research Professor of Law

For more information or to purchase a ticket, please click here.

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