Bar Book Club and The Silence of Scheherazade

A city and culture long lost to time. Author Defne Suman sets the historical novel The Silence of Scheherazade in the city of Smyrna and follows the intertwining fates of four families as the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire rips apart their peaceful city. This story is told through the lenses of a Levantine, Turkish, Armenian and Greek family as they gradually loose their city and culture to time. You can learn more about the novel here.
The Bar Book Club will meet on Wednesday, 21 September 2022 at 5.30pm in the Level 22 Chambers conference room. For catering purposes, please email if you plan to attend.
The Bar Book Club is an initiative of the Wellbeing Committee, which has a charter to encourage barristers to live a balanced and healthy lifestyle. It facilitates organised sporting, social and recreational activities. If you have an idea to promote wellbeing, or would like more information about their initiatives, contact the Wellbeing Committee for more information
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