2023 Bar Council Election

Voting members are reminded that there are less than seven days left to cast your vote. The poll remains open until 1.00pm on Thursday, 3 November 2022.
An email was sent to all voting members today containing information on both the paper ballot and online voting options. If you believe you are eligible to vote and you did not receive a further email, please contact elections@nswbar.asn.au.
If using a paper ballot, this must be received by 1.00pm on 3 November 2022. Please note if returning your ballot via post that the Australia Post guidance for delivery is up to four business days within NSW. It would be prudent to post this as soon as possible. Members can also drop their paper ballots to the Bar Association reception. Any voting member who has not received their ballot paper, and who wishes to cast a vote using a paper ballot, should contact elections@nswbar.asn.au.
If voting online, this vote must be submitted by 1.00pm on 3 November 2022.
Voting members are reminded they may only vote using one voting method.
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