ABA Diversity & Inclusion Committee CPD: Trans Athletes in Sport – Current Protections and Options for Reform


The Australian Bar Association Taxation Committee is holding a CPD on Trans Athletes in Sport.

There has been significant recent discussion about existing and new policies for national and international sporting associations that regulate the participation of Transgender athletes in major codes, such as swimming and football. The discussion involves diverse and complex legal issues, including international human rights law, anti-discrimination principles, anti-doping, the right to privacy, and the general principles of fair competition and integrity. At the heart of the discussion is the need to ensure that such policies focus on the major values at the heart of all sport – respect, inclusion and fairness – and that any proposed exclusion is justifiable and proportionate.

Join Chair, John Heard (he/him), Victorian Bar speakers: Ben Ihle KC (he/him), Victorian Bar; Amy Hando (she/her) Victorian Bar; Addison Harrington (she/her), Associate, Gilchrist Connell on 10 November 2022 at 5.15pm.

CPD point: This seminar may be eligible for 1 CPD point under State CPD programs. It is the responsibility of the individual member to determine whether CPD points can be earned for an attendance of an event hosted by the ABA, as the mandatory continuing professional development requirements vary between each state and territory. In NSW, you can claim 1 CPD point per hour of engagement.

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