President's Message


This time of year is a reminder of the extraordinary strength of the Bar as reflected in one of its finest traditions, that of voluntary contribution. I would like to thank our members for the overwhelming number of offers to work on our expert Committees. The new Committee membership reflects our commitment to both retaining skill and essential knowledge while also acknowledging the importance of refreshment and diversity of input and experience.
The Bar Council is especially grateful to our outgoing Chairs for their exceptionally hard work over many years and to outgoing Committee members for their valuable contribution. On behalf of the Bar Council, I welcome our new Chairs, Deputy Chairs and Committee members. We very much look forward to working with you over the next year. Induction packs for new Committee members will be sent out this week.

Barristers have also been undertaking work for the Duty Barrister Scheme and the Bar’s Legal Assistance Referral Scheme (LARS). Duty Barristers assist the courts daily and often at short notice ensuring that witnesses and self-represented people have access to advice in order that matters can progress smoothly. LARS has been facilitating legal advice, representation and mediation services for nearly three decades for those refused legal aid or otherwise unable to access justice but who otherwise meet our LARS criteria. There are many referrals from courts and tribunals, the DPP, Community Legal Centres, the Law Society Pro Bono Scheme, and directly from prisons and immigration detention centres. Recently, many of our barristers volunteered to be on a list of those willing to assist with the Special Commission of Inquiry into LGBTIQ Hate Crimes. The Association is extremely grateful to all those barristers who volunteer for this work.

Finally, at this time of practising certificate renewal it is also important to express the ongoing commitment of the Bar to eliminating all forms of discrimination, harassment and bullying in our profession. The Bar Council condemns in the strongest terms any expressions of racism, sexism, vilification, homophobia and humiliating and degrading conduct and upholds values of respectful relations with others. We will examine closely the responses of members to the optional survey that members could complete at the time of renewal. The list of those chambers who have adopted the Updated Model Best Practice Guidelines will soon be published.

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