Mass digitisation of historical bills and tabled papers
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The Parliament of NSW has embarked on a mass digitisation of historical bills and tabled papers, providing a unique insight into more than 160 years of lawmaking never before available online.
Parliament NSW has just published an extensive repository of 11,500 PDFs and 15,000 records of historic bills introduced into NSW Parliament since 1856. This includes the relevant dates of when a bill passed through Parliament as well as bill text, various versions, and explanatory notes (where available). They are located under ‘BILLS’ on the website homepage.
The archive of tabled papers has been expanded by an additional 80 years and 100,000 records. You can now access papers dating from 1824 to 1938 (previously only 1824 - 1855) by selecting ‘All by date’ from the HANSARD & HOUSEPAPERS dropdown on the website homepage.
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