Enduring Courts in Changing Times Sydney - Chief Justice of Australia Address


In May 2024, the Supreme Court of New South Wales and the Supreme Court of Tasmania will mark their bicentenaries as the oldest courts in Australia. These courts were created by the Third Charter of Justice promulgated at Westminster in October 1823.

In that spirit, the Australian Academy of Law, the Australian Institute of Judicial Administration (AIJA) and the Australian Law Journal are presenting a conference on 'Enduring Courts in Changing Times' from 8 to 10 September 2023 at the Supreme Court in Sydney.

Members are warmly invited to attend Chief Justice Kiefel's opening address on Friday, 8 September 2023 at 5.15pm in Banco Court.

The conference, will be addressed by distinguished international and Australian speakers, and will cover a number of topics, with the past and future relationship between indigenous peoples and the courts a matter of particular emphasis.

Members are invited to join either in person at the Banco Court or online.

For registration and programme details please click here.

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