2023 Sir Garfield Barwick Address


Members are invited to the 2023 Sir Garfield Barwick Address on Thursday, 5 October 2023, 6.00pm for a 6.30pm start at the Castlereagh Boutique Hotel, 169 Castlereagh Street Sydney.

Cost of $105 includes three-course dinner (with cash bar available). Please email your attendance to sara.heard@hotmail.com with the form here.

The 2023 Address will be delivered during the dinner by Hon Alister Henskens SC MP, NSW shadow Attorney-General, on “Barwick and the Rule of Law”.

The Sir Garfield Barwick Address Foundation is an independent non-profit charity registered with the ACNC whose purpose is to organise the Address and if possible its publication. Earlier Addresses have been published in Bar News and the Australian Bar Review.

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