Long Matters List

Please see the following notice from Justice Ian Harrison, Chief Judge at Common Law:
Please note that Justice Cavanagh has been managing the Long Matters List since its inception in late 2019. The list was established by his Honour in order to provide judicial case management of all matters with a hearing estimate of five days or more, from the allocation of a hearing date until the appointment of the trial judge. This is to ensure proper use of court time, the narrowing of issues, timely and proper preparation and early resolution if possible. Last year Justice Cavanagh also took over the management of the Professional Negligence List.
In 2023 his Honour was greatly assisted by Justice Chen in the management of both lists. However, in the interests of efficiency and an equitable distribution of the work involved, it now appears to be more appropriate to revert to the old formula of each judge managing one list.
Accordingly, Justice Chen will now take over the Long Matters List and Justice Cavanagh will manage the Professional Negligence List . This will also assist the Registrar when allocating hearing dates. A long matters practice note to reflect these and other matters is in the course of preparation. It will also serve to give formal recognition to a Long Matters List.
Ian Harrison CJ at CL
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