Church services for the opening of the 2014 Law Term

Red Mass
The 2014 Red Mass will be held in St Mary's Cathedral, Sydney at **9.00am on Monday, 3 February 2014. **The Mass will be celebrated by his Eminence Cardinal George Pell AC. Judges and counsel may robe in the crypt from 8.30am and senior counsel should wear full-bottomed wigs. The mass will be followed by morning tea in Cathedral House.
The Anglican service will be held **at 10.30am on Monday, 3 February **in St James Church, King Street Sydney.
A Commencement of Law Term Service will be held in Parramatta on **Monday, 3 February 2014 **at 9.00am in Leigh Memorial Church, 119 Macquarie Street, Parramatta, followed by light refreshments in the coffee shop. RSVP by Monday, 27 January 2014 via email to Donna Kelly.
The Great Synagogue
The Jewish service will be held at the Great Synagogue on Wednesday, 12 February at 5.30pm. The procession will be led by Chief Justice Tom Bathurst. The service will be followed by drinks and a dinner with a guest speaker, the Hon James Allsop, chief justice of the Federal Court. The cost of the dinner is $120. Please RSVP for the service and or dinner by 5 February. For more information contact the Great Synagogue office on ph: (02) 9267 2477 or
The Islamic Service will be held at the Auburn Gallipoli Mosque at 6.00pm on Thursday, 20 February 2014. Contact or Bilal Rauf, vice president, 0411 625 462 or Aziz Abbas, executive member, 0435 657 438.
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