Capital works in NSW courts

The Attorney General's Department of NSW meets quarterly with the Bar Association and the Law Society to discuss property and asset related issues. Since the last meeting in November 2008, department has adjusted the timetable of its capital works programme as a result of the NSW mini budget and it is therefore timely to update both organisations on the changes.
Major upgrades of courthouses currently underway at Parramatta, Dubbo and Gosford will not be affected.� The $4.1 million upgrade of Dubbo Courthouse is now complete, while improvements to Parramatta and Gosford courthouses are due for completion in mid 2009.
The current project at the Law Courts Building, Queens Square, is also unaffected including the refurbishment of level 9 which is still due for completion by mid 2009.� A plan for further Supreme Court refurbishments is the subject of an additional funding bid, which will be submitted to NSW Treasury in early 2009.
A master plan for new facilities at the Downing Centre will be accelerated and is expected to be finalised during the current financial year.� The master plan will guide a number of Downing Centre projects over the next four years.
Refurbishment of the cells at Central Local Court and construction of a new courthouse at Armidale will begin in 2010, while the major redevelopment of Wagga Wagga Courthouse is due to start in 2012.
**16 January 2009 **
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