Notice to accredited mediators and those interested in accreditation


The NSW Bar Association has been a Recognised Mediation Accreditation Body (RMAB) since May 2008. Since this date, the association has accredited 67 members as mediators. To better inform accredited mediators of upcoming events, important application dates, mediation-specific CPDs and other mediation related information, the Bar Association has set up a broadcast e-mail list. Currently, the list consists of mediators accredited by the Bar Association as well as the association’s ADR Committee members.

Members who are accredited mediators through another organisation or who are interested in applying for accreditation in the future are welcome to join the e-mail list, which will be updated at the end of March.

If you wish to have your name placed on the Accredited Mediators’ broadcast e-mail list, please e-mail the Bar Association’s project officer Ms Jo Wilton at

**24 February 2009 **

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