Society of Construction Law Australia set to launch in Sydney on 22 May


The Secretary of the newly formed Society of Construction Law Australia, Rashda Rana, invites members of the New South Wales Bar Association practising in construction law to the Sydney launch of the Society **on Friday, 22 May 2009.� **The object of the Society of Construction Law Australia, as stated in the Constitution, is "to promote the education, study and research (and publication of the useful results of such research) in the field of construction law and related subjects both in Australia and overseas for the benefit of the public and the construction industry".

The launch of SoCLA will occur across Australia: in Sydney on 22 May, Melbourne on 27 May, Brisbane on 2 June, Perth on 5 June and Adelaide on 9 June 2009.

For more information, download a flyer or contact Rashda or Monique on (02) 8083 0390

**15 May 2009 **

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