Call for comments on AAT review of taxation of costs

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal is conducting a review of the way in which costs are taxed. Where a costs order has been made and the parties are unable to agree on the amount, the costs may be taxed by the tribunal and the president may give directions in relation to the procedure to be followed. A draft practice direction has been developed, setting out a revised procedure that will allow costs to be determined in a flexible manner. The AAT would welcome comments from members of the bar.�
The tribunal invites comments on the draft practice direction by Monday, 25 May 2009. Comments should be addressed to the registrar and forwarded to the tribunal in any of the following ways:
By post to:
��� Administrative Appeals Tribunal ��� GPO Box 9955 ��� SYDNEY NSW 2001
��� ⢠by fax to (02) 9267 5538; or
��� ⢠by e-mail to
If you have any questions about the draft practice direction, please contact Chris Matthies, manager, policy and research on (02) 9391 2474.
**24 April 2009 **
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