Federal Court issues Fast Track Directions


The chief justice of the Federal Court has issued Practice Note No 30: Fast Track Directions which commenced on 24 April 2009. The aim of the Fast Track Directions is to provide a framework in which cases may be heard and finalised within five to eight months from the date of filing (depending on their complexity), and to reduce costs by limiting discovery and avoiding lengthy interlocutory disputes. Urgent cases may be finalised sooner.

The key features of the Fast Track Directions include:

• the substitution of Fast Track Statements, Responses and Cross-claims for pleadings;

• the introduction of Scheduling Conferences and Pre-trial Conferences to ensure active case management of the proceeding; • an express statement of the Court’s expectation that parties and their representatives will cooperate with, and assist, the Court to ensure proceedings are conducted in accordance with the Fast Track Directions; • limiting the scope of discovery obligations; • requiring the parties to meet and confer and attempt to resolve any interlocutory dispute before they may apply to the Court for a determination of the dispute; and • resolving most interlocutory disputes on the papers.

Download a copy of the Fast Track Directions.

**27 April 2009 **

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