Resolution and Resilience: ADR in the Global Recession, 29 – 31 May 2009, Melbourne Sofitel


(ADVERTISEMENT) As Australasia’s pre-eminent ADR event, the conference will focus on dispute resolution in the current economic downturn and� how ADR professionals can best meet the needs of disputants in these challenging times. Hear from leading experts from industry, business, media, judiciary, academia and leaders of government.

Guest speakers include:

The Hon Robert McClelland MP, Attorney General of Australia The Hon Rob Hulls MP, Deputy Premier of Victoria and State Attorney General The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG retired Justice of the High Court of Australia The Hon Sir Laurence Street KCMG QC The Hon Justice Murray Kellam AO, Justice of the Court of Appeal, Supreme Court of Victoria and Chair of the National Alternative Dispute Resolution Council Gavan Griffith AO QC, former Solicitor General of Australia Professor Doug Jones AM, Partner, Clayton Utz Michael Gill, CEO of Fairfax Business Media and Publisher of The Australian Financial Review and Business Review Weekly Richard Ackland, award winning broadcaster, journalist and publisher of Justinian and the Gazette of Law and Journalism Gabrielle Trainor, Director of the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority and VicUrban, Partner John Connolly & Partners Sue Laver, General Counsel, Dispute Resolution, Telstra Corporation Limited Anna Booth, Director of Co-Solve, Board Member of Members Equity Bank, The Centre for Policy Development and Non Executive Chair, Slater and Gordon Dato Noorashikin Banti Tan Sri Abdul Rahim – Director of the Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration Associate Professor Dale Bagshaw, President of the Asia Pacific Mediation Forum and Vice President of the World Mediation Forum

Recognising that the Australian Football League engages mediation and conciliation to resolve disputes, we have organised an� exclusive opportunity for delegates to attend the Collingwood v Port Adelaide game at the MCG 4.40 pm 31 May at a special Premium Reserve Seat arrangement -� Level 2, Olympic Stand.

A great networking opportunity, we encourage you to take advantage of all that this conference has to offer.

Take the opportunity to talk to presenters, sponsors and other delegates and prepare to contribute, to debate, to be challenged and to learn.���������

Please note that the EB rate of $895 (incl GST) is available until May 8, 2009. Join IAMA and you can save $300 off your 2009 conference registration. Associate membership of IAMA is available for only $475 plus a $95 once-off joining fee.

Download: Membership Application Form |� Conference registration |� Conference Brochure

For further information contact:

Gianna Totaro National Office The Institute of Arbitrators & Mediators Australia PO Box 13064 Law Courts��� Victoria��� 8010��� Australia Telephone: 61 3 9607 6908��� Facsimile: 61 3 9602 2833 Email:� Website:

**15 May**** 2009 ** �

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