Out with the old: Federal Court replaces practice notes and directions

The Federal Court of Australia has announced that henceforth only two forms of practice documents will be issued: practice notes issued by the chief justice; and local administrative notices issued by each district registrar. Consequently, existing practice notes, practice directions and national and local notices to practitioners and litigants **will be revoked, effective from today, 25 September 2009. **
The new practice notes are organised by subject matter as follows:
- admiralty
- appeals
- case management
- corporations
- intellectual property
- native title
- taxation
The new practice notes in relation to native title are being developed in light of the recent amendments to the Native Title Act 1996 (Cth). Administrative notices are issued by each district registrar at the request, or with the agreement, of the judges in the district registry to which the notices relate. These notices deal with local matters, such as the arrangements for the duty judge or the listing of particular types of matters (such as subpoena or corporations lists).
Download and view the following documents:
the new practice notes issued on 25 September 2009 by the chief justice (NB: practice notes on Mareva and Anton Piller orders provided separately):
the new administrative notices issued on 25 September 2009 by the district registrars.
a list of the new practice notes and administrative notices; and
These items will also available be from the Federal Courtâs web site
**25 September 2009 **
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