Michael Kirby to launch UNSW Law Journal's Credit Crunch edition (ADVERTISEMENT)


The University of New South Wales Law Journal is delighted to invite members of the NSW Bar Association to the launch of Thematic Edition 32(2) Saving the System: Law and Regulation after the Credit Crunch.

The 2009 Thematic Issue takes a broad approach to examining the causes of the current financial crises. Academics and professionals from various fields assess, from domestic and international perspectives, the objectives and ramifications of the key principles for reform identified by the G20 summit declaration action plan. These include strengthening transparency and accountability, enhancing sound regulation, promoting integrity in financial markets, reinforcing international cooperation and reforming international financial institutions. The myriad bailout plans are controversial, and their success uncertain. Moreover, preventing such crises in future will depend not on these safety nets, but on developing better regulatory and supervisory mechanisms that may signal a resurgence of faith in good government.

The Thematic Edition will be launched by the Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG, former High Court judge and now a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the UNSW Law School.

The launch will be held on 19 October 2009 at the UNSW CBD Campus, Level 6, 1 O'Connell Street, Sydney 2000, in conjunction with our Premier Sponsor, Freehills.

We hope that you can join us on 19 October to celebrate the launch of this Thematic Edition. Please see the attached invitation for the full details of the event and RSVP to law.journal@unsw.edu.au or 61 2 9385 2237 by Friday 9 October if you plan to attend.

**28 September 2009 **

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