Cases selected for reporting in NSWLR by the editor, Bret Walker SC

The following five cases will be published in a forthcoming volume of NSWLR:
_Rickard Constructions Pty Ltd v Rickard Hails Moretti Pty Ltd; Allianz Australia Insurance Ltd v SST Consulting Pty Ltd; Jeffrey & Katauskas Pty Ltd v SST Consulting Pty Ltd; Rickard Hails Moretti Pty Ltd v SST Consulting Pty Ltd _[2008] NSWCA 283
R v EK [2009] NSWCCA 4 Tim Barr Pty Ltd v Narui Gold Coast Pty Ltd _[2009] NSWSC 49 _Air Link Pty Ltd v Paterson _[2009] NSWCA 251 _Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales� v Refrigerated Roadways Pty Ltd [2009] NSWCA 263
**18 December 2009 **
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