15 Bobber: the Hon Justice Margaret Cleary

The 15 Bobber to celebrate the appointment of the Hon Justice Margaret Cleary to the Family Court of Australia will be held on Friday, 30 July 2010. Speaking for Justice Cleary will be John McCarthy QC. The 15 Bobber will commence at 5.30pm with the speeches beginning at 5.45pm. Pre-registration is $15 and MUST be sent to the association by 3.00pm Thursday, 29 July. Reservations made after this time and at the door will be $25.
Download a registration form and return it with payment to the New South Wales Bar Association, DX 1204 SYDNEY or fax 9221 1149.
Please contact Katie Hall on ph (02) 9229 1720 if you have any questions regarding the 15 Bobber.
**27 July 2010 **
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