Aviation law seminar: "Shark 02 has crashed"


The Aviation Law Association of Australia and New Zealand (ALAANZ) invite members to a seminar over dinner on the subject of the Nias Island Sea King Accident on 2 April 2005. Barristers David Jordan and Paul W Kerr, who appeared in the Naval Inquiry into this tragic accident, will be presenting a talk on the proceedings and final report.

The seminar and dinner will be hosted at Blake Dawson (Grosvenor Place level 36, 225 George Street, Sydney) on Thursday, 5 August 2010 @ 6pm for 6:30pm

RSVP by Friday, 30 July 2010 to julia.hornigold@blakedawson.com or ph: (02) 9258 5615 - cost including dinner and drinks - members $65 (incl GST) - non-members $75 (incl GST).

**20 July 2010 **

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