Football teams from Qld, Vic & NSW bars to take part in a festival of the boot


On Saturday, 11 September 2010 the New South Wales Bar Football Team will defend the Suncorp Perpetual Trophy when they play the Victorian Bar at St Andrews Oval, University of Sydney. **Kickoff will be at 1.00pm. **The Victorians are keen to avenge their 3-1 loss in September last year, but have dismissed rumours that sacked Argentine coach Diego Maradona was spotted in William Street. Joining them will be a team from the Queensland Bar, to take part in a "Tri-States" round-robin competition. Drinks and presentations will follow from about 5.00pm. For further information or to register please contact Anthony Lo Surdo ph: (02) 9223 3181 or

30 July 2010

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