Reform of judicial review in NSW

The Bar Association's�Constitutional and Administrative Law Section will host a seminar on reform of judicial review in New South Wales. It will take place on�Monday, 29 August 2011 between 5.00pm and�6.30pm. The speakers will be�John Griffiths SC and Stephen Lloyd SC, chaired by Neil Williams SC.
In March 2011 the New South Wales government released a discussion paper, Reform of Judicial Review in NSW. The submission period has now finished, and a summary of responses will be circulated prior to the seminar. This seminar will consist of a discussion among the members of the Constitutional and Administrative Law Section of the main issues, led by the two speakers. The purpose is to assist those in the attorney general's portfolio with carriage of the reforms, who will be present, by providing the observations of administrative law practitioners on the issues.
25 August 2011
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