The Fractured Constitutional Basis of Environmental Regulation

The Australian Association of Constitutional Law invites members to a seminar on "The Fractured Constitutional Basis of Environmental Regulation" on Monday, 31 October 2011 at 5.30pm. Papers to be presented by Dr Melissa Perry QC (Barrister, Sixth Floor Selborne Wentworth Chambers) and Mr Jonathon Redwood (Barrister, Banco Chambers).
Australian environmental law is characterised by a complex jurisdictional patchwork which is largely the product of our constitutional system. Melissa Perry will consider the particular challenges posed by federalism for the regulation of environmental impacts and their causes. She will examine constitutional mechanisms that might improve the consistency of environmental outcomes and assist in meeting the challenges posed by climate change.
Jonathon Redwood will focus on the problems posed by the subordinate, but nevertheless vague, status of local government in the Australian constitutional framework. This status inhibits local government in legislating with respect to environmental matters, leaving it to administer often contradictory and complex state and federal environmental law and policy with limited resources.
The Hon Murray Gleeson AC QC� (chairperson) Mr Allan Hawke AC� (first commentator) Ms Susan Shearing (University of Sydney, second commentator)
Time: 5:30 pm on Monday 31 October 2011 Place:� Federal Court of Australia, Queens Square, Sydney, Court 18B.
The event is for members only. But membership is only $50 per annum and members can join at the door. Membership confers the right to attend 4-5 seminars a year and receive updates on constitutional law developments in Australian and overseas. For more information, go to:
31�October 2011
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