Amended Local Court Sitting arrangements: Christmas New Year Period 2011/2012
The Chief Magistrate's Office has advised that, in accordance with the fixed leave period for Magistrates, normal rostered sittings of the Local Court will cease on Monday 26 December 2011 and recommence on Monday 9 January 2012.
On Thursday 22 December 2011 and Friday 23 December 2011, the Chief Magistrate has allowed Magistrates time to complete outstanding judgments, administrative duties or any outstanding chamber work prior to commencing leave. The Chief Magistrate has also advised that some Magistrates may elect to preside in court on this day in an attempt to complete outstanding part-heard matters.�
The following sitting arrangements are to occur from Monday 26 December 2011 to Friday 6 January 2012 inclusive:
Persons in custody - Weekdays that are not public holidays
Three Magistrates will be rostered at Parramatta Childrenâs Court.
All adults, remanded in custody within the Sydney Metropolitan area, are to be dealt with via Audio Visual Link facilities at that location.
Juveniles taken into custody in the Sydney Metropolitan Area will be dealt with in person at Parramatta Childrenâs Court. In addition these Magistrates will also hear bail applications for all juveniles taken into custody by the Department of Juvenile Justice across the state via Audio Visual Link facilities. However in regional areas where long distances are required to transport the young person to the Detention Centre if may be preferable to initially place the Juvenile before the Registrar (if available) for bail determination and if bail is subsequently refused by the Registrar the matter may be adjourned to the following day to appear via Audio Visual Link facilities before the Magistrate at Parramatta Childrenâs Court.
Weekends and Public Holidays
Bail Courts will operate in accordance with normal arrangements.
Apprehended Violence Orders
A Magistrate will be available at Parramatta Childrenâs Court on weekdays that are not public holidays to determine urgent applications only during court sittings hours.
12 December 2011
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