Family Law Courts - changes to financial statement kit and form

The Family Court Financial Statement Kit and Financial Statement form have been amended to include the Federal Magistrates Court and therefore are now Family Law Courts Forms.
Financial statement kit (Do it yourself kit). There is a new version of the Financial Statement Kit� which has been amended to include the Federal Magistrates Court (122011 V1).� Changes have been made to page C and Part A and Part M. The Family Court will accept the previous version until Wednesday 29 February 2012.
Financial statement. There is a new version of the Financial Statement form which has been amended to include the Federal Magistrates Court (06122011 V1).� Changes have been made to Part A and Part M. The Family Court will accept the previous version until Wednesday 29 February 2012.
Both forms are available from the Family Law Courts website.
17 January 2012
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