Australian Bar Association conference 2013

The Australian Bar Association will hold its 2013 conference in Rome on 2-5 July. Among the Australian speakers will be the Hon Robert French AC, the Hon Justice Kiefel AC and topics will range from "Business structures for barristers in England" and "A quality assurance scheme for advocates" to "Judicial globalisation". You can view a conference brochure here and a registration form here. There is a separate brochure for the conference hotel and a booking form for travel arrangements, accommodation and tours.
In addition, a specialist conference on "Improving Litigation" will be held in Bologna on 26-27 June. It will consider how litigation can be made faster and cheaper in circumstances where ADR has been unsuccessful or where it is inappropriate. You can view a conference brochure here and a registration form here. There is a separate brochure for the conference hotel and a booking form for travel arrangements, accommodation and tours.
7 May 2013
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