TONIGHT: Newcastle CPD seminar on the right to silence


The Evidence (Evidence of Silence) Amendment Bill 2013 and the Criminal Procedure Amendment (Mandatory Pre-Trial Defence Disclosure) Bill 2013 passed the Legislative Assembly on 19 March 2013 and the Legislative Council on 20 March 2013. They are currently awaiting Royal Assent. The Bar Council has organised a CPD seminar to be held in Newcastle so members can be familiarised with the requirements and practical implications of the Bills.

The seminar is to be held on Monday, 29 April at 4:15pm at University House, room UnH 241, Level 2, University House – Corner of King St and Auckland St (opposite Civic Park).

The panel of speakers is as follows:

Phil Boulten SC, president NSW Bar Association Stephen Odgers SC, Chair, NSW Bar Association Criminal Law Committee Simon Harben SC

No registration is required, however places are limited and solicitors and students at the university have also been invited to attend, so members should arrive at 4:00pm to secure a place.

29 April 2013

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