Intensive residential course in mediation (ADVERTISEMENT)

Expressions of interest are now open for the highly regarded ACDC mediation training to be conducted in Kuala Lumpur from 11 to 16 November 2013. An Expression of Interest flyer can be obtained here.
This intensive residential course in mediation is designed for people who wish to become mediators, who are involved in, or organise, mediation processes or who wish to have a greater understanding of the skills involved in mediation. The first five days will comprise theory and workshop exercises to educate participants in the theory and practice of mediation. The sixth day is for participants wishing to become accredited Mediators. The course is supported by the Australian and Malaysian branches of CIArb.
On successful completion of the course including the accreditation day candidates:
- will be accredited as mediators by the Australian Commercial Disputes Centre;
- will satisfy the educational requirements under the Australian National Mediator Accreditation System;
- are entitled to apply to become members of the KLRCA mediation panel;
- will satisfy the requirements of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators to join their local branch in the mediation stream.
Places in the course will be limited so if you are interested express your interest as soon as possible.
Further information on ACDC mediation training is available here.
For further information about the course in Kuala Lumpur and to express interest in attending, please contact:
John Wakefield Telephone: +612 9390 8302 Mobile: +61 0414 258 525 Email:
18 October�2013
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