Reminder: James Spigelman to give Academy of Law Patron's Address


The Australian Academy of Law (AAL) will hold the second of its annual Patron’s Addresses on Friday, 4 October 2013, at 5.30pm in the Banco Court, Level 13, Queen’s Square. The address will be delivered by the Hon James Spigelman AC QC. The inaugural Patron’s Address was delivered in 2012 by the Patron of the AAL, Chief Justice Robert French AC.

The AAL is a broadly-based and permanent body, comprising individuals of exceptional distinction from all parts of the legal community—elected from the judiciary, legal practitioners and legal academics—united in a common goal of advancement of the discipline of law and the justice system. A distinctive feature of the AAL is that its Fellows provide a ‘bridge’ linking and uniting the judiciary, academia and the legal profession in Australia.

The title of Mr Spigelman’s address will be: ‘Lions in Conflict: Ellesmere, Bacon and Coke—the Prerogative Battles”. His interest and expertise in this and other aspects of legal history are well known. In fact the lecture will be the third in a series, of which the earlier two are: ‘Lions in Conflict: Ellesmere, Bacon and Coke—the Years of Elizabeth’ (2007) 28 Aust Bar Rev 254; and ‘Lions in Conflict: Ellesmere, Bacon and Coke---Treason and Unity’ (2008) 30 Aust Bar Rev 144. Mr Spigelman recommends that attendees come to the lecture on 4 October having read the two published articles. All three form a chronological sequence and he will speak on the assumption that the audience has a general familiarity with the background.)

The lecture will be followed by drinks and savouries. Admission to the event will be free but registration is essential for catering purposes. Therefore, please RSVP by 1 October to:

If this conference is relevant to your professional development, you may claim one MCLE/CPD point for each hour of attendance — refreshment breaks not included. Download a flyer here.

27 September 2013

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