This week in CPD: Applying 10 Neuroprinciples to Successful Advocacy

On Tuesday, 5 November at 5.15pm. Jeremy Lack will present a seminar on applying neuropriciples to advocacy.
Jeremy Lack is a Door Tenant with Quandrant Chambers in London and specializes in designing and implementing international commercial dispute prevention and resolution processes. He is a Vice-Chair of the Independent Standards Commission of the International Mediation Institute (IMI), the Co-Chair of the Swiss Chamber of Commercial Mediation (Section Romande), and a panelist with AAA/ICDR, CMAP, CPR, IBMS, ICC, CMAP, INTA, IMI, SKWM/CSMC/SCCM, the Singapore Mediation Centre and WIPO. He has a MA Oxon degree in Physiological Sciences and in Jurisprudence from Lincoln College in Oxford.
The seminar has been organised by the ADR Committee and will be chaired by Angela Bowne SC. For full details, please click here.
**4 November 2013 **
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