Sydney Big Red Ride 2013



On 1 December Nick Polin of 4th Floor Wentworth Chambers will take part in the “Sydney Big Red Ride 2013” to help raise money to send some of the kids living with Muscular Dystrophy to a respite camp. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is the most common fatal genetic disorder diagnosed in children. The aim of the Sydney Big Red Ride 2013 is to raise enough money to send 30 children living with Muscular Dystrophy to a respite camp. A large number of children are currently on the waiting list to attend one of these inspirational and highly specialised camps run by MDNSW. The camps entertain, motivate and support children ranging in age from 4 to 20 who struggle each day with this debilitating muscle wasting disease. The ride is over 145km and starts in Bondi, at sea level and ends in Katoomba at over 1,017 metres above sea level. The route is tough, with the final 45km from Richmond to Katoomba involving a 1,000 metre climb. Please dig deep and sponsor no matter how small the amount. Donate here 21 November 2013

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