Electronic court files in the Federal Court

The Federal Court of Australia will transition to electronic court files within the next 18 months. By the end of 2014, the court will no longer create a paper file for each proceeding started. This transition aligns with the objectives of the courtâs long established eServices strategy.
The courtâs transition from paper to electronic file is in response to a steadily increasing use of electronic documents by practitioners and developments in technology. This shift will enable the court to achieve better information management and to better serve its users in the years ahead.
The Federal Court Rules 2011 have been amended by the Federal Court Amendment (Electronic Court File Measures No.1) Rules 2013, which is now available (together with the explanatory statement) from the ComLaw database.
For information about the courtâs transition, visit the Federal Courtâs website. This page provides responses to initial questions practitioners may have.
25 November 2013
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