Two life memberships and a portrait

The unveiling of Jiawei Shen’s portrait of the Hon Keith Mason AC QC, to be donated to the New South Wales Court of Appeal, for display in the area of the President’s Court, will be held on Friday, 28 February 2014 at 5.30pm in the Bar Common Room. Chief Justice Tom Bathurst will be present to receive the painting on behalf of the Supreme Court. Funding for the portrait came from members of the Bar Association.
Life members
Also on that evening, certificates of life membership to the New South Wales Bar Association will be presented to the Hon Chief Justice J L B Allsop AO and the Hon Justice M J Beazley AO. All members of the Bar Association are invited to join in this occasion. For catering purposes, please RSVP by Tuesday, 25 February to if you would like to attend this event.
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