This week in CPD

The following CPD seminars have been scheduled in the Bar Association Common Room for the final week of February.
##### Monday, 24 February
Cross Examination
This seminar marks the start of the New Barristers' Committee's 2014 Cross Examination Workshop. The seminar will take the form of a panel discussion on cross-examination technique. The panel comprises the Honourable Justice Megan Latham, her Honour Judge Sarah Huggett and Grant Brady. For full details of the seminar, please click here. For full details of the workshop program, please click here
Tuesday, 25 February
This seminar will be presented by Andrew Scotting and Dr Samson Roberts, forensic psychiatrist. The presentation will explore the changes implemented in the diagnosis of mental illness and disorders by DSM 5 and critically evaluate the process behind the changes, with emphasis on commonly encountered forensic examples. For full details, please click here
Wednesday, 26 February
Optimising Your Superannuation
This seminar will be presented by Vanessa Woodley, Financial Strategist at SentinelWealth, and will be chaired by Dominique Hogan-Doran. The presentation is designed to provide an informative overview of key superannuation concepts and strategies to optimise your benefits. It is suitable for barristers of all ages who are interested in optimising their superannuation benefits. For full details, please click here
Thursday, 27 February
Scope for future development of constitutional and administrative law aspect of tax appeals
This seminar will be presented by Chris Peadon and chaired by Neil Williams SC. The session focuses on the constitutional and administrative law aspects of the appeal and review system, and in particular explores the scope for judicial review of tax "assessments" under s 75(v) of the Constitution and its analogues to expand beyond the existing recognised categories of mala fides and tentative/ provisional assessments. For full details, please click here
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