31st LAWASIA Conference 2018 - Information for members - Early Bird Registration Extended



Early Bird Registration for the 31st LAWASIA Conference 2018 being held from 2 – 5 November 2018 in Siem Reap, Cambodia has been extended until 7 July.

DATE: 2 – 5 November 2018, Siem Reap, Cambodia VENUE: Sofitel Angkor Phokeethra Golf & Spa Resort WEBSITE: https://siemreap2018.com THEME: ‘New Era for South East Asia’

About the conference

The Annual Conference will examine a range of topics, including: - the Chinese economic and strategic agenda known as the ‘Belt & Road’ - the advent of third party funding in arbitration and its effect on the resolution of environmental disputes in South East Asia - Foreign Direct Investment in developing Asia - tax incentives as a catalyst to economic development in Indochina - disability rights in the ESCAP region - the interests of young lawyers, providing a forum to raise issues of particular concern to the next generation of practitioners - funding the digital economy – the role of financial technology in achieving financial inclusion for sectors of the community in developing countries - impact of climate change on human rights - EU-ASEAN trade agreements - developments in family law disputes in the Asia Pacific region - artificial intelligence and the employment law implications - intellectual property rights in the Indochinese region; and many more.

Please visit the conference website to register and for more information on travel, accommodation and the conference program

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