Family Conflict in later life - The role of Mediation and the issues of Elder Abuse

The Australian Disputes Resolution Association invite you to attend this one-day workshop which includes three specialist speakers and a panel discussion at the end.
Date: Thursday 13 September 2018 Time: 10:00am - 2:30pm Venue: NSW Bar Dispute Resolution Centre, Level 1, 174 Phillip Street Sydney Price: $150 for members; $225 for non-members (and includes 1 year ADRA membership which confers eligibility for insurance at ADRA rate) CPD: 4.5 Limited Capacity
Speakers Linda Rogers — a sole practitioner who appears in the Guardianship Division of the New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) Rodney Lewis—Solicitor, Specialist in Elder Law, Author and Writer of the College of Law, Elder Law Connie Comber—Social Work Background, Accredited Mediator, Consultancy for Elderly Matters
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