The Motor Accident Injuries Amendment (Indexation) Regulation 2018


The Motor Accident Injuries Amendment (Indexation) Regulation 2018 (the Regulation) has been published on the NSW legislation website.

The NSW Government committed to regular indexation of maximum legal costs and medico-legal fees during consultation on CTP Scheme Reforms.

The Regulation provides, with some exceptions, for annual adjustment in accordance with inflation of the maximum costs for legal services, and the maximum fees for medico-legal services, recoverable under the Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017. The provisions of the regulation will take effect on 1 October 2018.

Also published on the NSW legislation website are the following Orders, commencing on 1 October 2018: • Motor Accident Injuries (Indexation) Amendment Order 2018 • Motor Accidents (Determination of Non-Economic Loss) Amendment Order 2018 • Motor Accidents Compensation (Determination of Loss) Amendment Order 2018

The Regulation and Orders can be accessed here.

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