Everything you wanted to ask a judge but are too afraid to ask


The New Barristers’ Committee will again host the Judicial Q&A panel in the Bar Common Room on Thursday, 25 October at 5.15pm. As usual, the Q&A will feature a panel of judges who will answer your burning questions, which you dare not ask in court. However, this year drinks (like costs) will follow the event at the St James Crypt and Garden Courtyard (across from the court). Members are welcome to attend one or both events.

  • Register here for the Q&A and to submit your questions for the panel
  • Register here for the drinks (free for under 5s, $30 for over 5s)

Please note that registrations are necessary for Under 5s attending the drinks (regardless of no cost) for catering purposes.

The Q&A panel discussion is designed to allow under 5s to pose questions to judges from the Federal Court, Supreme Court and District Court with a view to assisting new barristers in their court craft, advocacy and practice in those courts.

The drinks function which follows will provide an opportunity for New Barristers to catch up. The drinks will also serve as an opportunity to welcome the new cohort of Barristers from the 2018 Bar Practice Courses.

Members of the judiciary and barristers over 5 years are also invited to the drinks.

We would also like to thank BarCover who are kindly sponsoring this event. To find out more about what BarCover has to offer you please visit their website.

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