Remembering Katrina Dawson

Friends and family of Katrina Dawson gathered yesterday evening in the Common Room to honour the first three recipients of the Bar Association's Katrina Dawson Award: Claire Palmer, Josie Dempster and Ashley Cameron. Present at the gathering were members of the extended Dawson family, including her parents, Jane and Sandy Dawson, her brothers, Sandy and Angus, as well as her sister-in-law, Nikki.
Speaking to the gathering, President Arthur Moses SC, noted that the aim of the award is to encourage and assist women to practise as barristers. "Female law students make up over 66 per cent of all law graduates and we need more women to practise at the NSW Bar in order for us to remain a strong and independent bar."
Claire Palmer, the inaugural recipient in August 2017 is currently practising from Sixth Floor Selborne/Wentworth Chambers. Josie Dempster, who was the recipient of the award in April 2018, is currently practising at the NSW Bar at Key Chambers in Canberra, while Ashley Cameron, who was the recipient of the award in August 2018, starts at the NSW Bar in May 2019.
Mr Moses ended with the prospect of a new addition to the Common Room art collection. "This is one of my last addresses in this common room and it is a pleasure to be with you here this evening. I hope under our new president I will be invited back to see the unveiling of Katrina’s portrait, which will be hung in this Common Room. As I have said previously, Katrina will not be forgotten by the NSW Bar."
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