Legal Aid NSW Back Up Duty Scheme open to applicants

The Back Up Duty Scheme is now open to applicants to express an interest in providing back up duty and urgent casework assistance. The Back Up Duty Scheme operates at courts serviced by Legal Aid NSW to supplement in-house Legal Aid NSW solicitors in the provision of duty assistance and the assignment of urgent casework.
Expressions of interest addressing the selection criteria must forwarded via email here by Friday 22 February 2019.
When completing an expression of interest a practitioner should:
- Address all selection criteria contained in the Back Up Duty Scheme Information Package and supply all other relevant information as required to demonstrate that the criteria are met; and
- Provide the name and contact details of two referees
For full details of how to apply and to access other relevant documents, please visit the Legal Aid NSW website.
- Back Up Duty Scheme - Information Package is available here
- Back Up Duty Scheme - Information for Referees is available here
Are you currently appointed to the Back Up Duty Scheme?
In addition to considering new applications from practitioners who seek to provide a back-up service across NSW, Legal Aid NSW will also undertake a Review of Appointments to the Back Up Duty Scheme within the Sydney metropolitan area.
Practitioners appointed to the Back Up Duty Scheme within the Sydney metropolitan area will be sent a Review of Appointments form shortly which must be completed and returned by Friday 22 February 2019 for consideration by the selection committee.
Practitioners who seek to add or change the region/s of their Back Up Duty Scheme appointment within the Sydney metropolitan area must submit a fresh expression of interest in relation to the new or changed Back Up Duty Scheme region/s at which they seek to be appointed.
Practitioners appointed to the Back Up Duty Scheme outside of the Sydney metropolitan area need not take any action at this time in relation to their appointment to the Back Up Duty Scheme.
For more information about this process or the Back Up duty Scheme, please contact Isabelle Jones Rabbitt on 9219 5638.
For information about providing duty assistance at locations not serviced by in-house Legal Aid NSW solicitors, please contact the Duty Solicitor Scheme Coordinator on 9219 5122 or via email at, or read more on the Legal Aid NSW website.
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