2019 Personal Injury/Common Law Conference
Registrations are OPEN for the 2019 Personal Injury and Common Law Conference, which will be held at the Sheraton Grand Sydney Hyde Park on Saturday 16 March.
The conference offers 5 CPD points.
The conference runs from 9:00am to 3.00pm. Morning tea and a stand-up buffet lunch will be provided. For more details about the conference and the costs involved please click here.
Registrations are open to NSW barristers that currently hold a practising certificate and places in the conference are strictly limited. To register and pay to secure your place, please click on any of the "Register Now" buttons located on the dedicated 2019 Personal Injury & Common Law Conference website.
A detailed program will be made available over the coming weeks. The program will be advertised in In Brief as well as on the NSW Bar Association Website.
For any questions about CPD requirements, conferences or the general CPD program, please contact the Professional Development Department (9223 4919 or cpd@nswbar.asn.au).
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