A generous donation from the silks of 2018

In keeping with a long-standing tradition, the 2018 silks have this year made generous donations to the following two charities, $34,000 to Gunawirra and $52,500 to Weave Youth & Community Services.
The primary role of Gunawirra is the design of unique, innovative and transformational programs. These models of excellence are fully evaluated to empower young Aboriginal parents with children aged 0-5 years to intervene in their own lives, breaking the life cycle of suffering caused by loss of country, community, culture and family.
Gunawirra works in targeted areas of Sydney's inner and outer suburbs, Gunawirra provides highly specialised programs that have the immediate purposes of prevention and early intervention for the protection of the infant, child and family unit.
Gunawirra creates projects, programs, booklets across NSW preschools. It provides training, consultation and emotional support to Aboriginal and non aboriginal preschool teachers and workers in Aboriginal community areas.
Weave Youth and Community Services
Weave is a not-for-profit organisation that provides a way up and a way forward supporting children, young people, families and communities facing complex situations.
Weave offers a diverse range of programs which have been designed to help tackle issues related to poverty, drugs, alcohol and mental health, homelessness, domestic violence, family breakdown and isolation.
These grants make a real difference in assisting these wonderful organisations and we thank the Silks of 2018.
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