Forbes Society legal history tutorial
Tomorrow, Wednesday, 29 October 2014, Professor Shaunnagh Dorsett (of the UTS Law School) and Larissa Reid (of the Law Courts Library) will present a legal history tutorial on "Sources of Law in the Early Years of the Colony of NSW".
The tutorial will commence at 5:10pm and conclude no later than 6:10pm.
The venue will be Court Room No 1 in the Hospital Road Court Complex, with entry via the chambers of Lindsay J.
Light refreshments will be served.
Everybody is welcome.
Our presenters have each undertaken original research on their topic. Shaunnagh has played a leading role in the recovery of our early colonial case law, in NZ as well as in Australia. With her professional skills as a librarian to the fore, Larissa has thrown new light on the legal texts used by NSW colonial lawyers in everyday practice.
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