Practice Opportunities in International Commercial Arbitration

Continuing Professional Development
The next Commercial Law Section CPD seminar will be held on ** Wednesday 1 May 2019** at 5.15pm in the Bar Association Common Room. Details are as follows:
- Title: Practice Opportunities in International Commercial Arbitration
- Speaker: Hon Roger Gyles AO, QC
- Commentator: Tim Castle, Chair, ABA International Committee
International Commercial Arbitration is a topic of much interest for the commercial Bar. Last year, the Australian Bar Association (ABA) asked Mr Gyles to inquire into and report upon practice opportunities for Australian Barristers in the Asia-Pacific Region. Having consulted widely and considered submissions on this important topic, Mr Gyles, as a former President of the NSW and Australian Bars amongst other roles, is extremely well placed to share some insights in relation to this topic. For full details please click here.
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