The Modern Slavery Act 2018 - What you need to know


Tuesday, June 18 2019, Clayton Utz, Level 14, 1 Bligh Street Sydney

The Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) (the Act) came into force on 1 January 2019, and the first reporting period under the legislation is the 2019 financial year. The Act requires over 3000 Australian companies and other entities to disclose how their operations and supply chain may contribute to modern slavery and explain the steps they are taking to address those risks. Entities in New South Wales are obliged to report under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (NSW) if they have a turnover of $50 million.

Under the Act, senior management are accountable for preparing Modern Slavery Statements which are to be approved at Board level. The Reports need to address mandatory criteria, including: the entity’s structure, operations and supply chains; the action the entity has taken to assess and address those risks and how the entity assesses the effectiveness of those actions.

This panel session will examine the requirements of the Commonwealth and State legislation, their application and what needs to be done by entities and their legal advisers to ensure compliance. Moderator: - Cilla Robinson, Partner, Workplace Relations, Employment and Safety Group, Clayton Utz

Panel members: - Arthur Moses SC, President Law Council of Australia - Jon Downes, Head of Legal – Australasia and Deputy General Counsel - International, Willis Towers Watson - Mark Devadason, Director, The Mekong Club

This seminar has been organised by the NSW Bar Association’s Industrial Employment Health and Safety Committee and registration is open to members of the New South Wales Bar Association and the Association of Corporate Counsel Australia. Find out more HERE.

Registration required for catering purposes. To register please click HERE.

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