Establishment of the NSW Bar Association Accessibility Panel

Volunteers sought by Friday, 1 November
The NSW Bar Association has established an Accessibility Panel. The Panel's purpose, inter alia, is to consider, address and respond to matters involving disability, access and inclusion and assist in the delivery of the aims and objectives of barristers with a disability. The Panel’s work will also address access issues in the built environments (e.g. Chambers and court buildings) that affect people working at or visiting those locations.
The Panel’s Chair is Robert Dubler SC and its initial members are Brenda Tronson, Nipa Dewan, and Jeh Coutinho (Secretary). The Panel is currently looking for additional members, particularly from those with a lived experience of a physical or mental impairment. If you are interested in assisting please send an expression of interest to Robert Dubler SC ( and Jeh Coutinho ( on or before 1 November 2019.
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