Cross-Examination of perpetrators and victims of family violence.

Monday, 11 November 2019 AND Monday, 18 November
On 11 September 2019, s 102NA of the Family Law Act 1975 commenced operation. The new amendment is intended to provide protection to victims of family violence involved in cross-examination as part of family law proceedings.
The 2 part family law seminar series will look at the operation of this new provision and to provide some guidance on the advocacy skills involved in cross-examination of this type. The 1st seminar will include a presentation by Grant Brady SC on cross-examining alleged victims and vulnerable witnesses followed by a presentation on avoiding collusion and enabling conduct. The 2nd seminar will include a presentation by Suzanne Christie SC on cross-examining alleged perpetrators, a presentation on working with clients affected by trauma and also a presentation from a Judge as to the initial experiences of these hearings.
For full details please click here.
This seminar has been organised by the Bar Association’s Family Law Committee in conjunction with Legal Aid NSW.
Both seminars will commence at 5.15 pm in the NSW Bar Association Common Room
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