Position vacant: District Court Judge

$386,160 per annum plus Conveyance Allowance of $20,805 per annum
The Attorney General is seeking applications from, or nominations of, persons qualified for appointment as a Judge of the District Court of NSW under the District Court Act 1973.
Selection criteria: Applicants or nominated persons must be either current or former judicial officers or Australian lawyers of at least seven years' standing and should be conversant with the law and procedures applied in the District Court of NSW. In addition, all applicants and persons nominating another person should refer to the selection criteria and guidance at www.justice.nsw.gov.au/appointments.
Inquiries: the Honourable Justice Derek Price AM, Chief Judge, District Court of NSW, (02) 9377 5821.
Note: Probity checks will be conducted.
Applications in Word or PDF addressing each of the selection criteria, accompanied by a detailed curriculum vitae and the names of at least two referees, must be completed online by 11.59 pm 8 November 2015.
It will be necessary for previous applicants to submit a fresh application if they still seek such appointment.
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