Increased places at Martin Place Early Learning Centre

The Martin Place Early Learning Centre has been open for just over a year, and during that time all places reserved by the Association have been utilised by families requiring permanent and emergency care. There are a large number of families on the waitlist for a place in 2016. At its meeting on 22 October 2015 Bar Council resolved to increase the number of places reserved at the Centre from 10 full time spaces (50 days per week), to 20 full time spaces (100 days per week).
A reminder that places at the Centre are available for members of the Association, chambers staff and employees of the NSW Bar Association. Guardian Early Learning operates a waitlist for Association families seeking places at the Centre. If you would like to place your name on the waitlist, or have any questions, please get in touch with Megan Black on 9229 1739 or at
An open day at the Centre will be held tomorrow, to provide families with the opportunity to tour the Centre and meet early childhood educators working at the Centre. Further information in relation to Association support for members with childcare needs can be found on the website:
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